Module leapyear.exceptions

All errors and exceptions.

exception leapyear.exceptions.ClientError

General client errors.

static from_response(response, errors=None)

Create a ClientError from a response.

Return type


class leapyear.exceptions.ErrorInfo(message: str, details: Optional[str] = None)

Information about a particular error.

message: str

Alias for field number 0

details: Optional[str]

Alias for field number 1

exception leapyear.exceptions.APIError(message, *, response=None, errors=None)

Error from the API Server.

exception leapyear.exceptions.DataSetTooSmallException(**kwargs)

Re-throw of DataSetTooSmall exception.

This exception is triggered and interrupts the computation when the LeapYear system is unable to guarantee a result that meets the target accuracy while staying within the maximum Privacy Exposure allowed for the computation.

The primary cause for this exception is that the data sample being analyzed is too small, and therefore providing an accurate result would reveal too much information about a single record.

exception leapyear.exceptions.DataSetSizeBlockedByPrivacyProfileException(**kwargs)

Re-throw of DataSetSizeBlockedByProfile exception.

This exception is triggered and interrupts the computation when the LeapYear system detects that the data set size is smaller than the minimum size required by the privacy profile.

The primary cause for this exception is that the data sample being analyzed is too small, and therefore providing an accurate result would reveal too much information about a single record.

exception leapyear.exceptions.HighPrivacyExposureException(**kwargs)

Re-throw of HighPrivacyExposure exception.

This exception occurs when it is estimated that the Privacy Exposure will reach or exceed the Privacy Exposure Limit for that particular computation. This could be due to either:

  • the data sample is too small and LeapYear estimates that a large privacy exposure will be incurred, or

  • the computation involves a relation that generates a large sensitivity multiplier.

The precise reason for the exception is not made explicit because of potential privacy concerns.

exception leapyear.exceptions.SensitivityMultiplierTooLargeException(logbase10_sensitivity_multiplier, **kwargs)

Re-throw of SensitivityMultiplierTooLarge exception.

This exception is triggered and interrupts a computation when the LeapYear system estimates that the computation:

  • will reach or exceed the maximum Privacy Exposure allowed for the computation; AND

  • is based on a derived dataset that generates an excessively large sensitivity multiplier.

exception leapyear.exceptions.InvalidURL

URL can not be parsed.

exception leapyear.exceptions.TLSError

Errors from TLS.

exception leapyear.exceptions.InvalidJson

Json was not constructed correctly.

exception leapyear.exceptions.ConnectionError

Error establishing connection.

exception leapyear.exceptions.ServerVersionMismatch(server_version=None)

Server and client have different versions.

exception leapyear.exceptions.TokenExpiredError

Authentication token was expired.

exception leapyear.exceptions.AsyncTimeoutError

Async job timed out.

exception leapyear.exceptions.AsyncCancelledError

Async job was cancelled.

exception leapyear.exceptions.GroupbyAggTooManyKeysError

Too many keys for a GroupbyAgg operation.

exception leapyear.exceptions.LoadUnsupportedModelException

This exception is raised when trying to load or save an unsupported type of model.

exception leapyear.exceptions.LoadModelMismatchException(actual_type, expected_type)

This exception is raised when there is a mismatch with loaded and expected models.

exception leapyear.exceptions.LoadModelVersionException(model, name_file)

This exception is raised when loading a module with a version not supported.

exception leapyear.exceptions.SaveUnsupportedModelException

This exception is raised when trying to save an unsupported model.

exception leapyear.exceptions.PublicKeyCredentialsError(message)

Exceptions originating from problems with public key auth credentials.